Joe Thorne Page 2
Lt.jg Fred Smallwood. Jan. 1966, newspaper article on USS Calcaterra's generator replacement. Article courtesy of Joe Thorne. Click on image for larger view.
Newspaper article which outlines USS Calcaterra's arrival in Dunedin, NZ, Sept. 1965. Courtesy Joe Thorne. Click on image for larger view.
Photo courtesy Joe Thorne. USS Calcaterra R-Division. Operation Deep Freeze, 1965 - 1966. Standing, Left - Right ? ? ? ? Rich Thompson, ? ? ? Joe Thorne, John Horan, Larry Blackburn, ? ?  Sitting, Left - Right Scott Hanson, ?????? Skip Amoroson,?? Mench, ?Click on image for larger view
USS Calcaterra, crossing the Antarctic Circle, Dec. 25, 1965.  Newspaper clipping courtesy Joe Thorne.  Click on image for larger view.
Another newspaper article on USS Calcaterra's Sept. 1965 arrival in Dunedin. Courtesy Joe Thorne. Click on image for larger view.